A geotag is our most precise way to mark a Resting Place. By entering the exact longitude and latitude, the resulting pin will most accurately reflect the location of your loved one's resting place. This is especially helpful for providing directions to harder-to-find Resting Places, like a scattering location, large cemeteries or bench with a memorial plaque.
How do I Geotag a final Resting Place?
- Follow the step to add a Resting Place Location
- Once you have added a Resting Place location, to specify the precise Resting Place location, you can:
- Geotag your current location:
This option will save your current location using your device’s location settings. Select this option when you are in front of your loved one’s resting place, such as at their marker in a cemetery, or their scattering location, etc.
- Geotag your current location:
- Type or Copy/Paste the Latitude/Longitude coordinates:
If you have the latitude and longitude coordinates of your loved one’s final resting place, you can use this option to share them. Coordinates should be added using the following format: 43.286229, -79.882592
- Drag and drop the pin on the map:
If you are able to identify your loved one’s final resting place by looking at the map, this option will allow you to share it. Select the pin on the map, and drag it to the location.
- Once you have entered the information you’d like, select Save Resting Place
The saved Resting Place, with the geolocation will be displayed on the Memorial page