We’ve partnered with Pledge, a trusted platform with a large database of verified charities and organizations. Through this integration, donations can be processed securely, offering peace of mind for both donors and recipients.
As a Keeper Administrator, you can search for a charity, organization, or fundraising site. You have the option to add up to six (6) donation links, one in each modal.
To add a Donation link with an existing charity:
- Log in to your account
- Navigate to the Memorial page
- Click Edit Memorial
- Scroll to the Donation link section
- Select Add a donation link
- Click on Search for a Charity
- Fill in the mandatory textboxes
- Select Save Donation Link
The donation link will appear on the Memorial page.
Once donations are made, Pledge provides a list of donors to the Keeper Administrator when they are logged in and select "click here" on the Memorial page.
Keeper also offers the option to add a custom link for personal fundraising and charities not found via Pledge.
To add a Custom Link:
- Log in to your account
- Navigate to the Memorial page
- Click Edit Memorial
- Scroll to the Donation link section
- Select Add a donation link
- Click on Add a custom link
- Fill in the mandatory textboxes
- Click on Save donation link
- The donation link will appear on the Memorial page.